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People who advocate for the removal or restriction of a book have rarely read it, relying instead on out-of-context excerpts feed to them from out-of-state groups with political motives to vilify educators and harm public education.
We encourage you to read this review from one of your neighbors, and read the book in question yourself. We believe you will find, as our professional librarians have already established- that the book has merit and value when taken as a whole.

By Art Spiegelman
Reviewed by Reverend Elizabeth Mount, Cheyenne, WY
In this graphic novel, we find a middle-aged author struggling to find compassion and understanding for his cantankerous and abrasive father, who was a Jewish man victimized by the Nazis during the Holocaust (Shoah). Through the eyes of the son, and the stories told by his father, we begin to understand the generational impacts and the long-term suffering that is wrought by discrimination and practices of genocide. We are able to notice the escalation from book banning or being denied work to later creation of ghettos and concentration camps and to notice how the laws and practices changed over time, slowly enough that regular people were able to be convinced that this was all “normal and necessary.” This is one of many powerful tales about the Holocaust and other genocides by survivors and their families that offers a chance to see clearly how small injustices can lead to big ones and to build empathy for the lives of religious and ethnic minorities.
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